Discover the famous Provençal shuttles!
Small boat-shaped biscuit and with the scent of orange blossom, the shuttle is in itself an invitation to travel.
Its history is closely linked to a district: that of the Saint-Victor abbey and the Old Port of Marseille. The first historical traces of its celebration, on Candlemas Day, date back to the year one thousand, under the influence of the Benedictine abbot Isarn.
According to legend, in the 1st century AD, a boat transported the Saintes Maries to the Provençal shore. Lazarus was accompanied by Martha, Mary Magdalene and her two sisters Jacobé and Salomé, Sarah their servant, Maximin, Sidonius, Joseph of Arimathea and other disciples of Jesus, banished from the Holy Land for having preached the new Christian religion.
The shape of the shuttles therefore recalls the boat on board which the Saints and Lazarus brought the Gospel to Provence.
Box of 300g