Known properties*: antibacterial and stimulating
What is quintessence? The optimization of the extraction with regard to the method and the distillation time observed by science in order to obtain the greatest richness in active ingredients.
Properly distilled , an essential oil contains 50 to 250 active molecules (for example, a synthetic drug only contains at best 3!): A richness that gives them concentration, diversity, but also power. extraordinary energy and a tenfold action all the wider when they are associated. All MAISON LAGET essential oils are chemotyped, botanically and biochemically defined, HEBBD, and above all: distilled long enough to extract all the active ingredients . Extensive requirements for certified quality aromatherapy.
Use & General Precautions
After reading the precautions for use , and unless there are special precautions for use, you can use essential oils:
- In inhalation or diffusion
- By dermal route (application, friction or massage pure or after dilution in a vegetable oil, according to dermocausticity)
- Orally (on prescription from a therapist, usually 2 drops in honey, 2 to 3 times a day maximum, use limited to short periods)
- In the bath (use a dispersant)
- but also… In cosmetics (1 to 2 drops in a care cream), sauna, cooking, deodorization, cleaning, laundry, the fight against insects…
For more detailed information on the virtues and uses of essential oils for your well-being and beauty, consider consulting our reference books on aromatherapy. If in doubt, consult.
Composition, properties, recipes & Special precautions for use
Composition :
Product from Organic Farming certified by FR-BIO-01
HEBBD essential oil 100% pure and natural
obtained by slow steam distillation.
Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Chemotype: cinnamic aldehyde
Distilled part: bark
Origin: Non EU (usually Ceylon)Known properties (bibliography):
Very powerful antibacterial , with a very broad spectrum of action.
Antiviral, antifungal (cutaneous, nail mycosis), antiparasitic .
Gastrointestinal infections of various origins (diarrhea).
Tonic and stimulating (in particular uterine tonic to facilitate childbirth), it accelerates blood circulation and vasoconstriction (varicose veins, heavy legs, cellulite) and helps to fight against temporary fatigue and impotence .
Always dilute: 1 drop of EO + 10 drops of vegetable oil (=1 teaspoon) 4 times a day for bacterial and parasitic conditions.
An example of use in case of bad breath : 1 drop of EO Cinnamon + 1 drop EO Peppermint on 1/2 sugar cube, 3 times a day until improvement
External use: Always dilute: 2 drops of HE + 50 drops of vegetable oil (=5 teaspoons).
Important dermocausticity (very aggressive for epidermis and mucous membranes): in external application, dilute between 5% and 20% maximum in a vegetable oil.
Do not use in pregnant women or in children under 12 without medical advice.
Identification & Packaging
Food grade essential oil.
100% of the total ingredients are of natural origin.
100% of the total ingredients are from Organic Farming.
Certified by ECOCERT FR-BIO-01
Amber glass bottle with codigoutte
Recyclable packaging, without over-packaging in order to respect the environment 10ml.
*Disclaimer: The information on essential oils available here and in our general documentation is provided for your information and cannot claim to be exhaustive. They do not in any way replace the essential medical opinion in establishing a diagnosis and in assessing the seriousness of a pathology. This information, resulting from research carried out by health professionals, is the synthesis of our readings on aromatherapy, in particular the reference works of Pierre Franchomme and Dr Daniel Pénoël: "Aromatherapy exactly" Roger Jollois Publisher, aromathologist pharmacist Dominique Baudoux: “Aromatherapy, healing with essential oils” Éditions Amyris, by Dr. Zhiri and Dominique Baudoux: “Scientific aromatherapy – Chemotyped essential oils and their synergies” Editions Inspir, by Dr. Jean Valnet: “The Aromatherapy» Pocket Book, by Danielle Festy, Pharmacist: "My bible of essential oils", by Fabienne Millet, Pharmacist: "The great guide to essential oils", Marabout. They cannot constitute medical indications, nor even engage our responsibility in the event of an accident, injury or damage suffered.