Information on Vegetable Oils

Quality commitment


All our vegetable oils come from Organic Farming and have an exclusively vegetable origin. They are all obtained in accordance with traditional craftsmanship, mechanically, without chemical treatment to ensure the best guarantees of quality and a preserved richness in nutrients, vitamins and essential fatty acids (AGE).

MAISON LAGET is referenced by Ecocert Greenlife attesting to its commitment to respect the rules of the ECOCERT Greenlife standard entitled “Reference defining Ecological and Organic Cosmetic Products”.

Method of obtaining

All our vegetable oils are virgin obtained by first cold pressing:

The VIRGIN vegetable oil appellation is a strictly defined European legal appellation which concerns vegetable oils obtained exclusively by a mechanical process, without any refining operation. Its acidity rate expressed in oleic acid must not be greater than 2 grams per 100 grams or 2%. Refined oils or oils whose acidity is higher than this rate cannot benefit from this designation.

Only VIRGIN vegetable oils obtained by FIRST COLD PRESSURE guarantee that the oil has not been heated or refined and that it has not undergone any chemical treatment. This exclusively mechanical method of production preserves their quality by keeping intact all the subtlety of their composition: they are rich in nutrients, essential fatty acids (AGE)*, vitamins (vitamin E* in particular) and other substances essential for elasticity. and tissue firmness.

For more details on obtaining a virgin oil from the first cold pressing, see the Manufacturing button*.

All of our beauty vegetable oils are organic and guaranteed to be 100% pure and natural. They do not contain any preservatives, artificial colorings or synthetic fragrances, non-GMO and compliant with the ECOCERT Greenlife Ecological and Organic Cosmetics standard.

Traceability and DLUO

It is with the greatest rigor that we carry out a systematic check of each batch entering our workshop so as to be able to precisely list the origin and characteristics of each material and each packaging (bottle, cap, etc.). This total traceability is transcribed by a batch number affixed to each product and allows a perfect identification of each of the components of the product. Thanks to this batch number, we are able to "trace up" to our various suppliers who will be able to do the same in their own manufacturing circuit.

On each product, an Optimal Use By Date (DLUO) informs you of the recommended duration of use (for more details, see the Use* button).

And in addition:

- Recyclable packaging, without over-packaging in order to respect the environment.


The methods for obtaining a vegetable oil for food or cosmetic use are diverse:

- Artisanal and authentic mechanical cold pressing to crush the seed or the fruit and obtain its oil (first pressing).

- Hot pressing to obtain the highest yields then refining (see details below).

- Chemical extraction using a solvent (hexane, ketone, butane, gasoline B, ethanol, etc.) from the cakes remaining from the first pressing, then refining (see details later). This technique is widely used to obtain common edible oils…

All our first cold-pressed virgin oils are obtained directly from seeds or oleaginous fruits from organic farming by traditional mechanical extraction processes exclusively (worm press). They do not undergo any chemical treatment or refining.

Principles of the first cold pressing:

- Cleaning
The seeds are first cleared of their impurities (dust, stones, etc.).

- Lamination
Some seeds with an envelope (sunflower) are shelled in a crusher. The separation of the seed and the dust is then done by suction.

- Extraction by first cold pressing
The seeds are then crushed mechanically in a screw press designed to rotate very slowly to prevent the seeds from being overheated, for the extraction of the oil in the first pressing.

- Filters
The oil that flows naturally will be filtered several times: A first filtration on cotton cloth or stainless steel grid, then on blotting paper.

What we don't know about refined oils!

Heated or obtained by solvent, vegetable oils must be refined by a series of more or less harmful chemical treatments which cause them to lose all their nutritional and cosmetic qualities and completely denature their virtues.

Refining involves several steps:

Degumming: mucilages are impurities present in hot pressed oils using solvents which will be removed by adding sulfuric or phosphoric acid and then centrifugation.

Neutralization: refined vegetable oils contain a high rate of free fatty acids, which can accelerate their oxidation and therefore their ageing. Neutralization is done by adding caustic soda to the oil, then centrifugation of the soap obtained, washing and drying under vacuum.

Discoloration: Oils obtained by heat or by solvent must be decolorized using bleaching earths (with the addition of phosphoric/sulphuric acid or activated carbons), or chemical bleaches. They will then be filtered.

Deodorization: To eliminate the unpleasant odor of refined oils, they are heated to a high temperature (180-200°C) with vacuum diffusion of water vapor which will carry away the olfactory molecules responsible for odors. This process does not involve any chemical ingredient, it is compatible with organic standards.

Recolouring: Refined vegetable oil is recoloured using products such as curcumin, carotenoids, etc. to restore a beautiful colour.

Pay attention to the indications given on the label!

Banish, for example, a “first cold pressed oil”, which is automatically refined, unlike a “first cold pressed virgin oil” which is not.

Similarly, be aware that a "virgin oil" has been subjected to a higher temperature than if it had been "virgin by first cold pressing ": under the action of heat, it will have lost a large part of its virtues. …

Use & storage

Vegetable oils, in pure beauty care:

Naturally soft, non-aggressive, not artificially scented and rich in all the subtle elements of the plants, seeds or fruits from which they come, vegetable oils all have protective, softening, nourishing and regenerating properties. They constitute pure beauty and health care for your face or your body, your nails or your hair:

Vegetable oils are used on the skin as a care cream, preferably in the evening for an in-depth action, as often as you wish, or as a prolonged cure.

Vegetable oils are also recommended for hair care: applied to the lengths all night before shampooing, or to the ends after shampooing.

Vegetable oils are an ideal treatment for strengthening the nails, softening the cuticles (small skins around the nail), and more generally deeply nourishing irritated, dry or chapped hands. Note the remarkable action of white lily oil, renowned for reducing or even eliminating brown spots linked to premature aging of the epidermis.

Vegetable oils, as a base for diluting essential oils:

Some essential oils can be dermocaustic*. To avoid any risk of irritation or even burns, these essential oils must be diluted in vegetable oil before application to the skin. We generally use sweet almond oil for its neutrality, but any vegetable oil can be used. In some cases, the vegetable oil used as a support will complement and even reinforce the action of the essential oil (eg the oily macerate of Italian helichrysum in addition to essential oils for circulatory or painkillers purposes).

Which HE to dilute?

Very weak or non-existent dermocausticity:
Bergamot – Rosewood – Cade – Noble chamomile – Caraway – Cypress – Eucalyptus globulus – Eucalyptus radiata – Wintergreen – Juniper – Rose geranium – Italian helichrysum – Aspic lavender – True lavender – Lavandin – Lemongrass – Peppermint – Myrtle – Palmarosa – Ravintsara – Rosemary with camphor, cineole or verbenone – Saro (or Mandravasarotra) – Tea tree – Ylang-Ylang.

Dermocausticity possible: dilute up to 20% maximum in vegetable oil:
Dill - Exotic basil - Lemon - Lemongrass - Tarragon - Ginger - Green mandarin - Sweet orange - Marjoram - Niaouli - Siberian pine - Sandalwood - Linalool or thujanol thyme.

Strong dermocausticity: dilute between 5 and 20% max in a vegetable oil:
Cinnamon – Clove – Oregano – Savory – Thyme thymol.

Disclaimer: The information available here and in our general documentation is provided for your information and cannot claim to be exhaustive. They do not in any way replace the essential medical opinion in establishing a diagnosis and in assessing the seriousness of a pathology. This information, resulting from research carried out by health professionals, is the synthesis of our readings. They cannot constitute medical indications, nor even engage our responsibility in the event of an accident, injury or damage suffered.

For more detailed information on the virtues and uses of vegetable oils for your health and beauty, consider consulting the reference work on the subject, written by Chantal and Lionel Clergeaud "Vegetable Oils, Health and Beauty Oils » published by Amyris.


Vegetable oils are 100% pure and natural products, fragile, very sensitive to light, air and heat. Guaranteed without artificial coloring or preservatives.
A DLUO (optimal use-by date) written on the bottle specifies the duration during which you can keep your product in an optimal way. However, please do not expose it to the sun or heat, the best thing is to keep it away from light and cool.

If, despite all these precautions, you notice that your oil has a rancid smell, which chemically means that the fatty acids* have aged and are oxidized (hence this smell), do not use it, its action would be harmful to your skin.